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Showing 1 through 10 of 141 total.
Looking for any guidance on calculating and negotiating indirect cost rates for a Single Audit clien... (continue reading)
We have completed some work to better associate data collection form submis... (continue reading)
We have completed some work to better associate data collection form submis... (continue reading)
I am new to using the Single Audit Resource Center. Primarily I wanted to join to have the complianc... (continue reading)
I am auditing the Intermediary Relending Program, ALN 10.767, and it is a revolving loan program. M... (continue reading)
If an audit was timely filed with the Clearinghouse, but a subsequent revision was identified that i... (continue reading)
Client's UEI has not changed from last year, but I know verification method changed and FAC no longe... (continue reading)
We are auditing several municipalities which received Coronavirus State and Lo... (continue reading)
We are auditing several municipalities which received Coronavirus State and Lo... (continue reading)

By: Veronica Beukes | January 22, 2024
Hi everyone,
Do you know where to find training for a MDO /non profit for the Rural M... (continue reading)
Do you know where to find training for a MDO /non profit for the Rural M... (continue reading)

By: Jeremy Pond | December 15, 2023
Hi everyone,
The feature on our website to search for financial statements that have a partic... (continue reading)
The feature on our website to search for financial statements that have a partic... (continue reading)
Hello single audit community!
I have read the other posts relating to the FAC website... (continue reading)
I have read the other posts relating to the FAC website... (continue reading)
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